Energizing the Future!

Spectrum Getting Ready for Kickstarter



Spectrum: An Elegy for Piano is getting ready to launch its kickstarter campaign. We've been hard at work for the past few months bringing this game to life, and we finally need to reach out to the video gaming world in order to raise funds for artwork for the game.

Spectrum is a puzzle-adventure game based on the concept of synesthesia. The main character, a young boy named Timothy Bremont has a strong sense of synesthesia and sees beautiful colors whenever he hears music. He uses his abilities to solve puzzles, help musicians and bring the color and happiness back into the world. To read more about the game, please visit the game's page.

This is a very beautiful and engaging game. We have very big plans for it, and need some incredible artwork and music for the game. For this reason we need to raise a minimum of $30,000 to be able to accomplish what we hope to do. Please stay tuned for more updates as the campaign will launch in about a week or so.


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